Benton Dene Schools

Benton Dene Schools

School Council


What is a school council?

A school council is a group of students who are elected to represent the views of all pupils and to improve their school.

Each class has a pupil on the council or is represented by a pupil who will visit their class and collect their views and bring them back to the meetings. The school council is an exciting thing to be part of for pupils and staff as it's about the children being involved in contributing to and making decisions about things in the school and the school community that impact them. It is especially important for our pupils to have the chance to communicate their views and opinions and not be overlooked.

What is a school council representative?

At our first meeting we discussed the important role of being a School Council Representative. 

The Representatives took back important pupil view questionnaires to their classes, these would help us to identify areas we wish to develop further. 

The classes throughout school came up with lots of great ideas and information for the school teachers to work on in future sessions. The pupils came up with some exciting educational visits and out of school clubs they would like to be added to our curriculum.

At our second meeting  the focus of this session was to talk about the importance of asking for help when you need it and how we might do this in school. We discussed different times we might need help, who we might ask and other ways we can seek help ourselves. We created help posters for every class, a social story, help visuals for school and a presentation for each class to watch and discuss together. As School Council Representatives the pupils are eager to be a support for their friends and teachers throughout school.