Benton Dene Schools

Benton Dene Schools

  1. News
  2. Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Awareness Week

5 May 2021 (by Alex Rutherford (a.rutherford))

Happening in school week beginning 10th May 2021.

Next week we will be celebrating Mental Health Awareness week in school. It is not just about children's mental health, but the mental well-being of everyone.
In school we will be providing the children with some exciting opportunities to get outside and connect with nature which is this year's national theme. Connecting with nature is not just about the amount of time we spend outdoors: it is also about building a relationship with nature by noticing what is around us. We can use our senses to do this - such as noticing the shapes in the clouds, smelling flowers or by walking around and listening to the birds chirping. Research has shown that there are many benefits to improving our mental health through nature and being outside. Here are some helpful websites: